Community Events

CNY Festival Health Screenings
January 27, 2024
The Triangle Area Chinese American Society (TACAS) holds an annual Chinese New Year Festival which saw an attendance of over 5000 participants last year. We anticipate that this will include many individuals ranging in age, with varying language capacities and access to care. In particular, recent literature indicates that Asian American elders are afraid of seeking health care in the United States due to a fear of cost, language barriers, and cultural reasons, which include not wanting to burden their children with their health problems as well as distrust of western medicine and western health systems. Thus, partnering with TACAS, we will be providing a screening booth with basic measures of health including BMI, blood pressure, and blood sugar, as well as the presence of a Mandarin speaking physician who will be able to provide care to screened individuals without language barriers. For screened individuals who have abnormal results or do not have established primary care, we have a compiled resource list of Asian-language-speaking physicians in the DukeHealth system, as well as methods of contact to establish care with each of those physicians.
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