Community Events

LSA& ALYUS_All of Us

Russell Creek Park 3500 McDermott Rd, Plano, TX, United States

The Light and Salt Association partners with ALYUS to conduct [...]


LSA_All of Us Education

Light and Salt Association 3535 Briarpark Dr Unit135, Houston, TX, United States

Join us at the Light and Salt Association as customers [...]


CAHEP attended ARC Kick Off

CAHEP 5250 Leetsdale Dr. Suite 110, Denver, United States

CAHEP attended ARC KICK OFF MEETING, CAHEP has the grant [...]


LSA Health Fair

Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston 10303 Westoffice Dr, Houston, TX

LSA will be collaborating with the Chinese Seniors Association to [...]


Moon Festival celebration

Pacifica Square 4360 E New York Street, Aurora, IL, United States

Xilin will co-host Moon Festival at Pacifica Square in City [...]

Michigan Chinese Women Association Annual Event

Marriott, Livonia MI 17100 N Laurel Park Dr MI 4815, Livonia, MI, United States

密西根中華婦女會將在今年9月9日(星期六)晚上6點在Livonia的Marriott Hotel舉辦年會,藉著一年一度的年會,我們將回顧過去一年來婦女會在本地社區的服務,同時也利用這個機會,讓會員彼此間聯繫感情,往年來一向是會員們最熱絡參與的活動。 今年我們很榮幸邀請到蘇慧貞教授來為我們做專題演講,講題是【看見新世界】。蘇教授是台灣國立成功大學九十多年來的第一位女校長,她不但擁有美國哈佛大學的博士學位,身為台南人的她,在當校長八年的期間,大力推動【沙崙智慧產業創新聯盟】,使成功大學與台南做了更進一步的結合。 專題演講之後,除了抽獎活動外,還有婦女會精心準備的娛樂節目,最後開放舞池時,更是歡迎大家一起同樂!敬請期待!

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